»BIG:»CL8: Interview with »CL9: Flame/Pygmy Projects »SML:»CL8: Will we ever again see the cool demos from Pygmy? Read on to find out... »CL0: EC = Eurochart »CL0: FL = Flame »CL6:EC: Just to start out, tell us how you entered in the demoscene and how you got into »CL8:Pygmy Projects.. »CL4:FL: We (me & my bro) have been coding computers since 1983 (Vic-20, yeaah! :). After we got amiga, I got involved in scene and joined a group called»CL8: The Fantasy Force.»CL4: We made some musicdisks and intros and packs. The first demo was called Voyage, which came 2nd in Byterapers gathering (summer 1991). 1992 TFF broke and we join- ed »CL8:PALACE»CL4: and quite soon »CL8:TSL. TSL»CL4: was a poor experience, because they wanted us to do all kind of productions, we never intended to do, so we formed »CL8:(we=Me, Cenobit, Coconut & Silver Eagle)»CL9: Pygmy Projects. »CL6:EC: Which productions have you taken part in, and how were they ranked? »CL4:FL: I dont remember all. But if we leave small intros,music disks, packintros etc out, then the list is: »CL9:TFF:»CL8: Voyage (1991, 2nd, Byterapers gathering) »CL9:TSL:»CL8: Maximum Velocity (1992, 1st some party in sweden, if anyone knows which party it was, please mail me :) »CL9:Pygmy:»CL8: Extension (1993, 1st, Assembly) »CL9:Pygmy:»CL8: G-Force (1994, 1st, As- sembly,only thing by me is the music player) »CL9:Pygmy:»CL8: Logic (1995,2nd,Assembly) »CL6:EC: Your demo for »CL8:Assembly'96 »CL6:didn't finish before the deadline...are you gonna release it this year? »CL4:FL: We are hoping to get it released somewhere this year, but I'm pret- ty sure it will NOT be Assembly »CL6:(Well, it's too late anyway! -RED). »CL4:Ofcourse we are not going to release it "as it was", but change it and add »CL9:new routines »CL4:etc. »CL6:EC: What are your plans for the rest of this year? Family, »CL8:the Scene »CL6:etc. And what about Pygmy's plans? »CL4:FL: Studying and working probably. And trying to get the demo finish- ed for some party. This is the primary goal of »CL8:Pygmy »CL4:for now. »CL6:EC: Who's actually a member of »CL8:Pygmy »CL6:nowadays? I heard a rumour that »CL9:Jester »CL6:left »CL9:Sanity »CL6:to join »CL8:Pygmy»CL6:, but what really happened? Besides the tune for »CL8:"Extension"»CL6: he has released nothing for Pygmy... »CL4:FL: Members are: »CL8:Coconut,Flame,Phobic,Silver Eagle »CL4:+ our music fellas: »CL8:Cence and Papaija. »CL6:EC: You have also got a PC, but do you use it for coding, and would you ever leave the »CL8:Amiga »CL6:for the »CL8:PC»CL6:, like other big coders do? »CL4:FL: »CL9:I hate many things in PC coding, although I have coded something for it. I dont really like the amount of CPU power in modern computers for democoding, so the PC scene does not seem like a very attractive one... »CL6:EC: What if the PPC cards ever arrive? Will you start coding demos for it or will PPC kill the demoscene? »CL4:FL: I think 030 50mhz is enough and just »CL9:perfect »CL4:for democoding, but as faster computers come, people want to get all out of their com- puter, so its inevitable that the scene will go to faster CPU's. I dont know if it will kill the demoscene, but it will shape (al- ready has) the demoscene to some- thing different. »CL6:EC: And finally, how old are you, and how's your future in the scene? »CL4:FL: I'm 22 and my nearest scene plans are the new demo and after that I might have trouble finding the time for scene (finishing the »PIC:Shade3.iff» studies). »CL6:EC: Thank you for your time... »CL8:Soo...not all good coders prefer »CL9:speed »CL8:instead of »CL9:quality». Let's have some more of that! »CL6:[booster.cromatics]